Alma 12:27 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
but behold [behold >jg NULL 1| ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] it was not so

Here scribe 2 of ๐“Ÿ wrote behold twice. The 1830 compositor, John Gilbert, crossed out the extra behold in ๐“Ÿ and set a single behold for the 1830 edition. There are no other examples of behold behold in the Book of Mormon text. The King James Bible has only one example: โ€œthe first shall say to Zion: behold / behold themโ€ (Isaiah 41:27). And here in the case of Alma 12:27, there is no room for an extra behold between extant fragments of ๐“ž except by supralinear insertion. So it appears that here in Alma 12:27 we have a case of scribal dittography. Scribe 2 of ๐“Ÿ frequently wrote dittographies as he copied from ๐“ž into ๐“Ÿ (there are 27 clear cases). About half of his dittographies occurred at the ends of lines (13 times). Sometimes scribe 2 caught his dittography (12 times); sometimes it was corrected by Oliver Cowdery when he proofed ๐“Ÿ against ๐“ž (10 times). And in few cases the dittography was missed by both scribe 2 and Oliver but ended up being correctly set by the 1830 compositor (5 times).

In almost every case, scribe 2โ€™s dittographies in ๐“Ÿ were the simple repetition of one or two words; in the following list, each case where the dittography occurred at the end of a line in ๐“Ÿ is marked with an asterisk:

passage repeated word(s) corrector
*Mosiah 29:43 that scribe 2 of ๐“Ÿ
*Mosiah 29:46 that scribe 2 of ๐“Ÿ
*Alma 1:6 of 1830 compositor
*Alma 1:25 in the scribe 2 of ๐“Ÿ
* Alma 3:1 number Oliver Cowdery
Alma 3:20 Lamanites scribe 2 of ๐“Ÿ
* Alma 4:3 of scribe 2 of ๐“Ÿ
Alma 7:11 this scribe 2 of ๐“Ÿ
Alma 7:14 and scribe 2 of ๐“Ÿ
Alma 10:28 hath scribe 2 of ๐“Ÿ
Alma 12:27 behold 1830 compositor
* 3 Nephi 21:4 of scribe 2 of ๐“Ÿ
3 Nephi 27:14 or Oliver Cowdery
* 3 Nephi 28:15 out Oliver Cowdery
3 Nephi 28:18 them Oliver Cowdery
* 3 Nephi 30:2 of your Oliver Cowdery
4 Nephi 1:1 year 1830 compositor (copied from ๐“ž)
* 4 Nephi 1:13 the 1830 compositor (copied from ๐“ž)
* Mormon 2:16 the scribe 2 of ๐“Ÿ
Mormon 3:4 of the 1830 compositor (copied from ๐“ž)
Mormon 7:10 of Oliver Cowdery
* Mormon 8:24 could Oliver Cowdery
Mormon 9:16 of scribe 2 of ๐“Ÿ
Mormon 9:26 stand Oliver Cowdery
* Mormon 9:28 with Oliver Cowdery

From this list, I exclude two cases (a you in Alma 5:6 and a by in Mormon 3:14) where scribe 2 of ๐“Ÿ initially miswrote the word, crossed it out, and then correctly wrote the word inline. Such instances are not really dittographies.

In two cases, scribe 2โ€™s dittography was longer than two words, and in each of these cases the dittography resulted from him trying to deal with some other repetition in the original text:

Oliver Cowdery corrected the first of these two longer dittographies; scribe 2 corrected the second one (although he actually crossed out the preceding still rather than the following one). Amazingly, in the second one, โ€œshall be unhappyโ€ was repeated three extra times inline.

Finally, there is one odd case of dittography in Alma 12:17 where โ€œforever and everโ€ was miscopied as โ€œforever and foreverโ€, an instance of partial dittography. In this case, Oliver Cowdery corrected the repeated forever to the correct ever. For discussion of this example, see under that passage.

Summary: Accept the 1830 compositorโ€™s emendation of behold behold to a single behold; spacing considerations between extant fragments of ๐“ž as well as usage elsewhere in the text supports the compositorโ€™s decision to consider the repeated behold as a dittography.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 3
