Alma 12:10 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
[𝓒① NULL >+ 𝓒⑑ & 1|and ABCDEFGHK|And IJLMNOPQRST] therefore he that will harden his heart the same receiveth the lesser portion of the word

As discussed under Alma 12:8, scribe 2 of π“Ÿ frequently omitted the conjunction and. Here in Alma 12:10, Oliver Cowdery supplied the and when he proofed π“Ÿ against π“ž. Clearly, either reading (with or without the and ) is possible in this context; thus there would have been no reason for Oliver to add the and on his own. The critical text will follow the corrected reading in π“Ÿ.

Summary: Accept Oliver Cowdery’s addition in π“Ÿ of and at the beginning of Alma 12:10 (the probable reading of π“ž, no longer extant here).

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 3
